
Bitcoin Coins Price Correlation

The correlation value involves a mathematical formula that considers the price movements over time. A correlation above 0.5 is considered moderately and above 0.7 strong, while correlations between 0.3 and -0.3 are weak. A value of 1 means the movements are perfectly synchronized, whereas negative 1 indicates they're diametrically opposed.
Coin Coins Correlation ( 90 Days ) Chart
Bitcoin BTC Band Protocol BAND 0.939 High
Bitcoin BTC Injective Protocol INJ 0.903 High
Bitcoin BTC Solana SOL 0.882 High
Bitcoin BTC Kava KAVA 0.824 High
Bitcoin BTC Firmachain FCT 0.816 High
Bitcoin BTC Ki Chain XKI 0.811 High
Bitcoin BTC Avalanche AVAX 0.808 High
Bitcoin BTC Terra LUNA 0.759 High
Bitcoin BTC Mars Protocol MARS 0.752 High
Bitcoin BTC XPLA XPLA 0.751 High
Bitcoin BTC Cardano ADA 0.751 High
Bitcoin BTC Crescent Network CRE 0.732 High
Bitcoin BTC Oraichain Token ORAI 0.719 High
Bitcoin BTC Sei SEI 0.716 High
Bitcoin BTC Axelar AXL 0.713 High
Bitcoin BTC Secret SCRT 0.704 High
Bitcoin BTC CRO 0.702 High
Bitcoin BTC Shentu CTK 0.697 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Terra Classic LUNC 0.693 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Bitcanna BCNA 0.684 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Osmosis OSMO 0.676 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Likecoin LIKE 0.675 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Medibloc MED 0.665 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Bluzelle BLZ 0.659 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Sentinel DVPN 0.656 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Juno JUNO 0.625 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Cosmos ATOM 0.610 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Quasar QSR 0.598 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Chihuahua Chain HUAHUA 0.597 Moderate
Bitcoin BTC Akash AKT 0.592 Moderate