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Bitcoin Coins Price Correlation

The correlation value involves a mathematical formula that considers the price movements over time. A correlation above 0.5 is considered moderately and above 0.7 strong, while correlations between 0.3 and -0.3 are weak. A value of 1 means the movements are perfectly synchronized, whereas negative 1 indicates they're diametrically opposed.
Coin Coins Correlation ( 90 Days ) Chart
Bitcoin BTC Cheqd CHEQ 0.128 Weak
Bitcoin BTC Decentr DEC 0.107 Weak
Bitcoin BTC Impact Hub IXO 0.104 Weak
Bitcoin BTC Rebus REBUS 0.039 Weak
Bitcoin BTC KYVE KYVE 0.003 Weak
Bitcoin BTC Crescent Network CRE 0.000 Weak
Bitcoin BTC Canto CANTO -0.006 Negative
Bitcoin BTC Agoric BLD -0.208 Negative
Bitcoin BTC Konstellation DARC -0.619 Negative
Bitcoin BTC Tenet TENET -0.655 Negative
Bitcoin BTC Kujira KUJI -0.699 Negative
Bitcoin BTC Aura Network AURA -0.857 Negative
Bitcoin BTC Sifchain EROWAN n/a
Bitcoin BTC GenesisL1 L1 n/a