
AMD RX 560 GPU Miner Profitability

Power Cost
Coins Algorithm Block reward Block time Daily Coins Daily Profit Profit Charts
Paprikacoin PAPRY KAWPOW 60 (36 to miners) PAPRY ≈ 1 min 636.172 PAPRY $0.336
Zano ZANO ProgPowZ 1 ZANO ≈ 1 min 0.012 ZANO -$0.016
AI-DePIN AIDP KAWPOW 500 (450 to miners) AIDP ≈ 1 min 147.923 AIDP -$0.057
Beam BEAM BeamHashIII 25 BEAM ≈ 1 min 1.112 BEAM -$0.062
Sero SERO ProgPowSERO 2.2 SERO ≈ 15.00 sec 5.618 SERO -$0.065
Clore CLORE KAWPOW 205 CLORE ≈ 1 min 1.507 CLORE -$0.066
Ravencoin RVN KAWPOW 2500 RVN ≈ 1 min 2.875 RVN -$0.07
Neoxa NEOX KAWPOW 2250 NEOX ≈ 1 min 132.738 NEOX -$0.074
Ergo ERG Autolykos2 18 ERG ≈ 2 min 0.038 ERG -$0.074
Bitcoinz BTCZ Zhash 6250.0000000001 BTCZ ≈ 2 min 30 sec 685.818 BTCZ -$0.077
Frencoin FREN KAWPOW 10000 FREN ≈ 30.00 sec 17715.358 FREN -$0.083
SatoxCoin SATOX KAWPOW 300 (270 to miners) SATOX ≈ 1 min 291.478 SATOX -$0.086
Bitcoin Gold BTG Zhash 3.125 BTG ≈ 10 min 0.009 BTG -$0.1
Avian AVN X16RT 1250 AVN ≈ 30.00 sec 745.411 AVN -$0.106
AI Power Grid AIPG KAWPOW 31.25 (29.6875 to miners) AIPG ≈ 1 min 0.007 AIPG -$0.108